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Guidelines to efond for applicants

Applications for most of the OUH research and innovation funds must be submitted via efond. Below please find guidelines for the application system.

Access to efond is via The link is also available at the website for each fund. The link directs you to a page where you must choose the relevant link depending on which fund you are applying for a grant from.


Logon to efond - screen shot efond

If you have not previously submitted an application in efond to one of the OUH Funds, you must first register as a user by entering your e-mail address, a password and your name.  

If you have previously submitted an application via efond, you are already registered and will be able to log on by entering your email address and password and start a new application. 

Choose the relevant link.

Logon to efond - new or previous user - screen shot efond

You are now logged in to efond.

Choose "Create application".

Create application

Create application - screen shot efond

Select a grant area from the list.  If more than one call is open, please make sure that you are selecting the correct grant area (which fund you are applying for, e.g. Free Research Fund, PhD Fund etc.).  

Click "OK (create application)".

Choose grant area - screen shot efond

A new landing page opens with information about which grant area you have chosen. 

Click "Continue" if you have chosen the correct grant area.

New landing page - screen shot efond

Now, you can start filling in your application. Go through 6 steps, where you must provide various types of information regarding your application.

You can monitor which compulsory points under each step you need to complete by the colour of the box (red) in the heading and in the left-hand-margin by red colour of items that are not yet completed.

All mandatory items are marked by a red star* and must be completed before submitting the application.

Start application - screen shot efond

Before leaving each step, please save your changes, or your changes will be lost. Click “(Gem ændringer herunder/herover”) located at the top and the bottom of each step. Go on to the next step by clicking  “Step X” at the top or bottom of the page.

Save changes - screen shot efond

Several boxes have a maximum number of characters (spaces included). If this number is exceeded by more than approximately 10 pct. you will not be able to submit the application (note: the counting of characters in efond may vary compared to the counting of characters in e.g. Microsoft Word; the counting in efond takes precedence).

If you need to see the entire text you have entered, the box can be enlarged by dragging down the bottom right corner.

Box for entering text - screen shot efond

The application remains a draft until you decide to submit it before the application deadline.

You are able to make corrections and updates to your application through the “overview” page by clicking “edit”.

This is also the place where you can find previous applications you might have submitted. 

Box for edit - screen shot efond

The six steps in the electronic application form

The application form in efond is divided into six steps:

  • Step 1-4: The application
  • Step 5: Allows you to see the full application and print for PDF
  • Step 6: Used to submit the completed application

Do not forget to read and comply with the call and additional help text listed for each step in efond

Step 1 – personal information

This information is used to identify the application and to communicate with you regarding approval or rejection of your application. The information can be reused and updated at a later stage if necessary.

Step 2 – Application / project description

If the project description has initially been written as a Word document, it can be copied to the efond application form by copy and paste (see below box). Pictures and figures can be uploaded at step 4 in the application.

If you need headlines for your project description in efond or need to write text in bold or italic, you can use the following codes:

  • Italic: tekst
  • Bold: tekst

How to copy text into the electronic application form

Open the Word document and mark the required text. Press Ctrl+C to copy the text. Then click on the space in the application form in which the text is to be inserted. Press Ctrl+V.

If you cannot copy the text from a Word file to the application form, the file can be saved as in the guidelines below. Then it will be possible to copy the text into the application form.

Save the application as text only. Choose the menu File - Save as - and select file type: Normal text (*.txt).
Choose text format Windows or MS-DOS and click OK.
Close the document. This is important, because the document has lost its formatting and will look different, which is not immediately visible.
Open the document - the only text version.
Copy the text using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, as described above.

Step 3 – Budget

The budget is organised by a number of budget headings (step 3A) which will be gathered in a budget overview.
The budget items will be allocated in project years, and all amounts must be listed in DKK.

In “details” or in “detailed budget information”, you may inform about special circumstances concerning a budget item. Please note that substantiated budget items are preferred.

Also in “details”, you must state if you have applied for or obtained funding for this project from other parties (e.g. the Region of Southern Denmark, private or public foundations etc.). Please state information about where you have applied for funding and when an answer is expected.

Please refer to the call for the funding instrument you are applying for in order to see which budget items you can apply for.

Step 4 – Figures/files

Figures, photos etc. cannot be included in the project description but must be uploaded in step 4.

You should only use figures if they are necessary for the assessment of the application.

Do not forget to add supplemental figure text to all figures. Figures with supplemental text are not included in the maximum number of characters in the project application.

If you are asked to opload Excel files, please note that the format should be “xlsx” and not “xlsm” (which includes macros) as efond may not accept this format.  

Please refer to the call for the grant area you are applying for in order to see which attachments you must upload for the specific call.

Step 5 – The full application

All information about the application is gathered in step 5 and you can see the application as a printable PDF file. Please note that uploaded files not are included in full, but only the first page.

If the call requires you to upload a signature page, you will find it at step 5.

Step 6 – End application

In the last step you can see whether or not the application has been completed correctly. Any missing parts will be marked by red colour in the left side menu. If your application is ready for submission (all parts marked by a green  in the left side menu), we recommend that you make a print of your application as a PDF file and subsequently click the “send” button.

If your application is successfully submitted, you will receive an e-mail. If you have not received an e-mail, please check your spam filter. If you have not received an email, your application has most likely not been submitted. Please try again.