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Nedenfor kan du se en række af vores publikationer om ludomani og Binge Eating Disorder (BED).



Bogen Din hjerne snyder dig tager dig med ind i afhængighedens maskinrum, hvor du får at se, hvad der udløser så kraftig en trang til at spille om penge, overspise, drikke, game og meget andet, at du kan blive afhængig.

Det er forventningen om f.eks. at drikke, spille eller spise, der gør dig afhængig.

I Din hjerne snyder dig gør Jakob Linnet dig klogere på afhængighedens basale mekanismer. Derudover viser bogen, hvordan du slipper ud af afhængigheden ved at benytte dig af en række simple psykologiske redskaber.


Publikationer i internationale videnskabelige tidsskrifter:

1.    Linnet, J., Jensen, E. S., Runge, E., Hansen, M. B., Hertz, S. P. T., Mathiasen, K., Lichtenstein M.B. (accepted for pulication). Text based internet intervention of Binge Eating Disorder (BED): Words per message is associated with treatment adherence. Internet Interventions,

2.    Lichtenstein MB, Haastrup L, Johansen KK, Bindzus JB, Larsen PV, Støving RK, Clausen L, Linnet J. Validation of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire in Danish Eating Disorder Patients and Athletes. J Clin Med. 2021 Sep 2;10(17):3976. doi: 10.3390/jcm10173976. PMID: 34501422; PMCID: PMC8432050.

3.    Chang NHS, Kumakura Y, Møller A, Linnet J, Bender D, Doudet DJ, Vafaee MS, Gjedde A. On the learning of addictive behavior: Sensation-seeking propensity predicts dopamine turnover in dorsal striatum. Brain Imaging Behav. 2021 Aug 21. doi: 10.1007/s11682-021-00509-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34417966.

4.    Jensen ES, Linnet J, Holmberg TT, Tarp K, Nielsen JH, Lichtenstein MB. Effectiveness of internet-based guided self-help for binge-eating disorder and characteristics of completers versus noncompleters. Int J Eat Disord. 2020 Dec;53(12):2026-2031. doi: 10.1002/eat.23384. Epub 2020 Sep 12. PMID: 32918321.

5.    Linnet J. The anticipatory dopamine response in addiction: A common neurobiological underpinning of gambling disorder and substance use disorder? Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 2;98:109802. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2019.109802. Epub 2019 Nov 1. PMID: 31678482.

6.    Balodis, I.M., Linnet, J., Arshad, F., Worhunsky, P.D., Stevens, M.C., Pearlson, G.D., Potenza, M.N. (2018). Relating neural processing of reward and loss prospect to risky decision-making in individuals with and without Gambling Disorder. Int Gambl Stud, 18(2), 269-285, doi: 10.1080/14459795.2018.1469658.

7.    Linnet J, Jeppsen Mensink M, de Neergaard Bonde J, Winterdahl M. Treatment of gambling disorder patients with comorbid depression. Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2017 Dec;29(6):356-362. doi: 10.1017/neu.2017.5. Epub 2017 Mar 27. PMID: 28343466.

8.    Linnet, J., & Pedersen, A. S. (2014). Waiting Time Increases Risk of Attrition in Gambling Disorder Treatment. J Addiction Prevention, 2(2).

9.    Linnet J. Neurobiological underpinnings of reward anticipation and outcome evaluation in gambling disorder. Front Behav Neurosci. 2014 Mar 25;8:100. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00100. PMID: 24723865; PMCID: PMC3971161.

10.  Linnet J. The Iowa Gambling Task and the three fallacies of dopamine in gambling disorder. Front Psychol. 2013 Oct 8;4:709. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00709. PMID: 24115941; PMCID: PMC3792697.

11.  Linnet, J., Thomsen, K.R. Møller, A., and Callesen, M.B. (2013). Slot Machine Response Frequency Predicts Pathological Gambling. International Journal of Psychological Studies. 5(1), 121-127.

12.  Callesen MB, Hansen KV, Gjedde A, Linnet J, Møller A. Dopaminergic and clinical correlates of pathological gambling in Parkinson's disease: a case report. Front Behav Neurosci. 2013 Jul 29;7:95. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00095. PMID: 23908610; PMCID: PMC3725950.

13.  Linnet, J., Mouridsen, K., Peterson, E., Møller, A., Doudet, D., Gjedde, A. (2012). Striatal dopamine release codes uncertainty in pathological gambling. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 204, 55-60.

14.  Linnet, J., Frøslev, M., Ramsgaard, S., Gebauer, L., Mouridsen, K., Wohlert, V. (2012). Impaired Probability Estimation and Decision-Making in Pathological Gambling Poker Players. Journal of Gambling Studies. 28(1), 113-22.

15.  Linnet, J., Møller, A., Peterson, E., Gjedde, A., Doudet, D. (2011). Dopamine release in ventral striatum during Iowa Gambling Task performance is associated with increased excitement levels in pathological gambling. Addiction. 106(2), 383-390.

16.  Peterson E, Møller A, Doudet DJ, Bailey CJ, Hansen KV, Rodell A, Linnet J, Gjedde A. (2010). Pathological gambling: Relation of skin conductance response to dopaminergic neurotransmission and sensation-seeking. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. Epub ahead of print.

17.  Linnet, J., Møller, A., Peterson, E., Gjedde, A., Doudet, D. J. (2011). Inverse association between dopaminergic neurotransmission and Iowa Gambling Task performance in pathological gamblers and healthy controls. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 52(1), 28-34.

18.  Linnet, J., Peterson, E., Doudet, D. J., Gjedde, A., Møller, A. (2010). Dopamine Release in Ventral Striatum of Pathological Gamblers Losing Money. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 122, 326-333.

19.  Linnet, J., Thomsen, K.R., Møller, A., Callesen, M.B. (2010). Event frequency, excitement and desire to gamble, among pathological gamblers. International Gambling Studies, 10, 2, 177-188.

20.  Linnet, J. Gebauer, L., Shaffer, H., Mouridsen, K., Møller. (2010). Experienced Poker Players Differ in Estimation Bias and Decision Bias from Inexperienced Poker Players. Journal of gambling Issues, 24, 86-100.

21.  Vuust, P., Josefsen, L. G., Hansen, N. C., Ramsgaard Jørgensen, S., Møller, A., Linnet, J. (2010). Personality influences career choice:  Sensation seeking in professional musicians. Music Education Research, 12, 2, 219.

22.  Gjedde, A., Kumakura, Y., Cumming, P., Linnet, J., Moller, A. (2010). Inverted-U-shaped correlation between dopamine receptor availability in striatum and sensation seeking. PNAS, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107, 8, 3870-5.

23.  Rømer Thomsen, K., Callesen, M. B., Linnet, J., Kringelbach, M. L., Møller, A. (2009). Severity of gambling is associated with severity of depressive symptoms in pathological gamblers. Behavioural Pharmacology, Vol. 20, No. 5-6, September. p. 527-536.

24.  Linnet, J., Røjskjær, S., Nygaard, J., & Maher, B. A. (2006). Episodic Chasing in Pathological Gamblers using the Iowa Gambling Task, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 47, 43–49.

25.  Maher, B. A., Manschreck, T. C., Linnet, J., Candela, S. (2005). Quantitative assessment of the frequency of normal associations in the utterances of schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. Schizophrenia Research, 78, 219– 224.

26.  Linnet, J., Yurgelun-Todd, D. A., Cintron, C., & Maher, B. A. (2001). Hemispheric asymmetry of prefrontal and temporal lobe gray matter and age of onset in schizophrenia: An extension and replication. Schizophrenia Research, 49 (1-2), 159-60.

27.  Linnet, J., & Jemec, G. B. E. (2001). Anxiety, Aggression, and Body Ideal in Adult Atopic Dermatitis Patients.  Dermatology and Psychosomatics, 1, 2, 124-29

28.  Linnet, J., & Jemec, G. B. E. (2001). Severity of anxiety level and skin condition predicts outcome after Brief Dynamic psychotherapy in atopic dermatitis sufferers.  International Journal of Dermatology, 40, 632-36

29.  Linnet, J. (2000). Psychological Aspects of Atopic Dermatitis. Dissertation for the Ph.D. degree in Psychology, Copenhagen University, 200 pages.

30.  Linnet, J., & Jemec, G.B.E. (1999).  An assessment of anxiety and dermatology life quality in patients with atopic dermatitis.  British Journal of Dermatology, 140, 268-272.