Bevillinger fra Overlægerådets forskningsfond
Her kan du se, hvilke bevillinger der er givet fra Overlægerådets forskningsfond for hvert opslag.
Bevillingsmodtagere fra Overlægerådets forskningsfond
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Afdeling |
Projekt |
Else Poulsens mindelegat |
Gundhild Andersens fond |
Tilbageløbsmidler |
Arv Anna Marie Larsen (specifikt forskningsområde)) |
Amanda Rønnegaard | Department of Medical Gastrointestinal Diseases | Chronic pancreatitis: Improved pain management based on pathophysiology | 40.000 | |||
Anders Bo Rønnegaard | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Risk of revision septoplasty and risk factors for revision following primary septoplasty - a nationwide 10-year follow-up study | 35.000 | |||
Benjamin Sommer Thinggaard | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Forebyggende tiltag, livskvalitet og nethindeforandringer hos patienter med våd AMD | 50.000 | |||
Camilla Viola Palm | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Anti Müllersk hormon som markør for kardiometabolisk risiko hos transpersoner | 50.000 | |||
Cecilia Kronvold | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Primær åbenvinklet glaukom som en markør for udvikling af cerebrale neurodegenerative tilstande: Et dansk nationalt registerbaseret studie | 25.000 | |||
Cecilie Sander Friis | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Non-invasive strukturelle og metaboliske retinale markører for okulær sarkoidose - et 6 års opfølgningsstudie | 30.000 | |||
Christina Elise Holm-Larsen | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens Hospital - Odense | Miljøforurening og udvikling af autoimmun sygdom | 50.000 | |||
Dorte Teilmann-Jørgensen | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Odense/Svendborg | The Danish Vaginal Vault Prolapse (DIVA) Study - Operation of choice, risk of recurrence and quality of life | 50.000 | |||
Emma Tubæk Nielsen | Department of Neurosurgery - Odense | Establishing an AI model to aid in diagnosis, description, and outcome prediction of unruptured intracranial aneurysms. | 100.000 | |||
Frederik Nørregaard | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Påvirker brugen af statin/kolesterolsænkende medicin risikoen for at udvikle diabetisk øjensygdom? | 18.000 | |||
Ida Grunske Schmidt | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | The Danish head and neck cancer fast-track pathway: A 15-year status | 35.000 | |||
Jane Simonsen | Department of Nuclear Medicine - Odense | Dynamic Molecular Imaging Techniques I: GFR | 27.924 | 2.076 | ||
Jes Sloth Mathiesen | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Risk of malignancy in thyroid incidentalomas detected by choline PET: A systematic review and meta-analysis | 27.000 | |||
Karina Dyrvig Honoré | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens Hospital - Odense | Maternal Insulin Resistance and Fasting Plasma Glucose in 3rd trimester link to Childhood Anthropometric Trajectories | 30.000 | |||
Kim Oren Gradel | Clinical Development (Odense) | Chronic use of opioids/analgesics and clinical consequences in patients with major osteoporotic fractures - are the elderly at particular risk? | 50.000 | |||
Kristian Stærk | Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre - Odense | Pre-clinical assessment of novel pleuromutilin antibiotics against Staphyloccocus aures infection: In vivo evaluation in a porcine surgical site infection model | 50.000 | |||
Laura Svanekjær | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care - Odense | Cerebral blood flow during cardiogenic shock compared to cardiac output and how mechanical support influences systemic to cerebral blood flow ratio. | 50.000 | |||
Lene Ugilt Pagter Ludvigsen | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | Investigating the risk and impact of infections in solid organ and stem cell transplant recipients in Denmark: Unlocking new opportunities for prevention | 50.000 | |||
Louise Lind Pedersen | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care - Odense | Prehospital births in the Region of Southern Denmark- A Research Protocol for an Observational Study | 25.000 | |||
Louise Lehmann Christensen | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Hjerte-kar-risiko hos transpersoner i kønsbekræftende hormonbehandling | 50.000 | |||
Lytfi Krasniqi | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation after Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement and the influence of Statins | 25.000 | |||
Marianne Guldager Schou | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Aldersrelateret makuladegeneration (AMD): fra epidemiologi til national implementering. | 45.000 | |||
Martin Christensen | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens Hospital - Odense | Hypothermia as a novel treatment to prevent cerebral damage in severe, acute neonatal hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia: A rat study | 50.000 | |||
Mona El-Faramawi | Department of Cardiology - Odense | Predicting the need for future reintervention in patient after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) for ischemic heart disease | 50.000 | |||
Morten Bjerregaard-Andersen | Steno Diabetescenter Odense, SDCO - Odense/Svendborg | Can BCG vaccination prevent type 1 diabetes? | 50.000 | |||
Noreddin Shekho | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Evaluering af synrelateret livskvalitet blandt patienter stoppet i behandling for våd aldersrelateret makuladegeneration (våd AMD) | 25.000 | |||
Sebastian Dinesen | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Deep-learning in diabetic eye screening: detection of sight threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy and prediction of long-term diabetic complications. | 11.319 | 7.681 | ||
Simon Dyrløv | Clinical Development (Odense) | Chronic Opioid Use in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Complicated by Concomitant Arthritis | 50.000 | |||
Simone Snitgård Rosendal Nielsen | Department of Pathology - Odense/Svendborg | Optimeret Langtidsbehandling af Osteoporose med Mekanistisk Indsigt og Epigenetiske Værktøjer | 50.000 | |||
Stine Marie Odby | Department of Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Anti-MFAP4 antibody - a novel therapy to prevent anastomotic stricture after surgery for esophageal atresia: Animal experimental study | 23.000 | |||
Sune Munthe | Department of Neurosurgery - Odense | Intraoperativt monitorering i forbindelse med clipsning af cerebrale anuerismer | 220.000 | |||
Sune Munthe | Department of Neurosurgery - Odense | Vasoaktive stoffer i CSF efter SAH | 400.000 | |||
Trine Holm Rasmussen | Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre - Odense | Diagnosticering og håndtering af patienter med akutte overfølsomhedsreaktioner over for biologiske lægemidler og kemoterapi | 46.000 | |||
Troels Halfeld Nielsen | Department of Neurosurgery - Odense | Intracranial Aneurysms: Why do they rupture? Focus on aneurysm wall structure, inflammation, and clinical application | 628.000 | |||
Xenia Goldberg Dahl | Department of Pathology - Odense/Svendborg | Single-cell spatial immune landscape and transcriptomics of therapy-responsive compared to treatment-naïve pancreatic cancer | 37.000 |
Navn | Afdeling | Projekt | Ingemann O Bucks legat kr. | Gundhild Andersens legat kr. |
Amal Haujir | Department of Cardiology - Odense | Effect of a Multifactorial Intervention in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes on Aortic Valve Calcification - A Randomized Controlled Trial (MID-AVC) | 50.000 | |
Anna Trier Heiberg Brix | Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology - Odense/Svendborg | Major lower Extremity AmpuTations: Epidemiology, outcome and potential for improvement | 40.000 | |
Benjamin Sommer Thinggaard | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Forebyggende tiltag hos patienter med våd aldersrelateret makuladegeneration (AMD) | 50.000 | |
Cecilie Arildsen | Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology - Odense/Svendborg | Closed reduction of pediatric forearm fractures | 44.000 | |
Ditte Ellman | Department of Clinical Biochemistry - Odense | Development of induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocyte (iPSC-CM) based therapy to treat heart failure patients. | 45.000 | |
Dorte Glintborg | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Mentalt og fysisk helbred hos danske transkønnede personer | 50.000 | |
Emil Johannes Ravn | Department of Cardiology - Odense | Intravenous vs. oral hydration to prevent post-contrast acute kidney injury after intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography in high-risk patients with severe chronic kidney disease: A single-centre, parallel-group, open-label, non-inferiority randomized controlled trial | 50.000 | |
Erika Angelica Björkström Gram | Department of Farmacology - Odense | Paracetamol i graviditet og udviklingsforstyrrelser i barndommen / Use of acetaminophen in pregnancy and childhood neurodevelopment | 50.000 | |
Frederik C. Gulmark Hansen | Department of Plastic Surgery - Odense | Topical tacrolimus: An anti-inflammatory approach for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema | 50.000 | |
Frederik Nørregaard Pedersen | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Har vi givet forkerte screeningsintervaller for diabetisk øjensygdom til patienter med type 2 diabetes fordi vi ikke tog højde for sub-fænotyper? | 15.000 | |
Gustaf Isaksson | Department of Nephrology - Odense/Svendborg | Role of complement system activity for decline in kidney function in incident chronic kidney disease in the PUMA cohort | 50.000 | |
Henriette Jenssen | Department of Geriatric Medicine - Svendborg | Uncovering the Frequency and Consequences of Violence Experienced by Older Persons in their Everyday Lives: A Healthcare Perspective | 40.000 | |
Henrik Frederiksen | Department of Haematology - Odense | MethylphenIdate for fatigue in haematological cancer. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, CROssover trial - the MICRO trial | 17.000 | |
Henrik Zachar Langkilde | Department of Rheumatology - Odense | Pulmonary Disease Among Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, a Cross Sectional Study of a Population-based Cohort | 37.000 | |
Jan Saip Aunan-Diop | Department of Neurosurgery - Odense | Viscoelastic studies of intracranial tumors by Magnetic Resonance Elastography and virtual Magnetic Resonance Elastography | 50.000 | |
Jeanie Meincke Egedal | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Thromboembolism in anorexia nervosa - A registry-based study of a national cohort and a case-control study of the hemostatic balance and its association with nutritional status, insulin and cortisol | 20.000 | |
Jesper Brandt Pedersen | Department of Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Novel bifunctional therapy preventing post-surgery intestinal anastomosis stricturing. Ny bifunktionel terapi til forebyggelse af postoperativ forsnævring efter tarmkirurgi. | 30.000 | |
Julie Bang Hansen | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens Hospital - Odense | Sammenhængen mellem præ- og postnatal udsættelse for ftalater og lungefunktion, astma og allergi hos 12 årige børn fra Odense Børnekohorte | 50.000 | |
Lars Peter Schødt Riber | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Aortic VAlve-sparing and COMposite root replacement in Denmark: A nationwide observational study in Denmark between 2010-2022. | 50.000 | |
Lea Lecanda Mariager Jakobsen | Department of Pathology - Odense/Svendborg | Transcriptomic profiling of peritoneal lavage in patients with peritoneal metastasis from pancreatic or gastric cancer | 24.000 | |
Line Dahlerup Rasmussen | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | PCP - along the way; a Danish nationwide cohort study | 50.000 | |
Lisa Gundestrup | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Aortic Stenosis Associated Left Ventricular Remodeling - Impact of genetic, valvular and non-valvular factors. | 50.000 | |
Louise Adel Jensen | Department of Clinical Genetics - Odense | Molekylær Tumorprofilering af Arvelig Brystkræft til Forbedring af Rådgivning og Behandling | 48.000 | |
Lytfi Krasniqi | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation after Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement and the influence of Statins | 27.000 | |
Maria Iachina | Clinical Development (Odense) | Effekt af den nye medicin til behandling af cystisk fibrose på indlæggelse og brug af antibiotika hos patienter med cystisk fibrose - et dansk landsdækkende kohortestudie | 28.450 | 21.550 |
Mark Andrew Ainsworth | Department of Gastroenterology - Odense | Who can safely discontinue expensive biologic treatment? Identification of markers predicting sustained remission after discontinuation of infliximab in patients with Crohns disease. | 50.000 | |
Mathias Amdi Hertz | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | Improved diagnostics and empirical antibiotic treatment of urinary tract infections in Emergency Departments. | 50.000 | |
Mette Boye Boes | Department of Nephrology - Odense/Svendborg | Effect of Camostat for Kidney Protection in Chronic Kidney Disease | 45.000 | |
Mona El-Faramawi | Department of Cardiology - Odense | Predicting the need for future reintervention in patient after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) for ischemic heart disease | 50.000 | |
Nicolaj Bruun Brandt | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Sammenhængen mellem polycystisk ovarie syndrom, hyperandrogenisme og graviditetstab | 50.000 | |
Niels Abildgaard | Department of Haematology - Odense | Monitorering af hjerterrytmeforstyrrelser i forbindelse med behandling af myelomatose. | 50.000 | |
Pia Iben Pietersen | Department of Radiology - Odense | Magnetic Resonance Imaging in pleural empyema - does it at valuable information? | 37.000 | |
Poul Erik Mortensen | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Comprehensive analysis of Infectious Endocarditis after aortic and mitral valve surgery: A Retrospective Observational Study | 50.000 | |
Raquel Martin Iguacel | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | Impact of integrase inhibitors on major cardiovascular events in people with HIV: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. | 50.000 | |
Sebastian Dinesen | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Deep-learning in diabetic eye screening: detection of sight threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy and prediction of long-term diabetic complications. | 30.000 | |
Simon Joel Lowater | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Prediction of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: Construction of a Risk-based Index through Segmentation. | 50.000 | |
Tilde Veng Eskildsen | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Odense/Svendborg | Kan in vitro dyrkning ved differentieret ilt koncentrationer, forbedre udvikling og kvalitet af humane befrugtede æg? | 39.000 | |
Tine Henrichsen Schnack | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Odense/Svendborg | FRAGINOC study: The impact of FRAilty screening and Geriatric assessment and INtervention in older patients with epithelial Ovarian Cancer | 50.000 | |
Torkell Ellingsen | Department of Rheumatology - Odense | Signatures of cultivated donor anaerobic bacteria as predictors for beneficial clinical response following faecal microbiota transplantation in methotrexate-treated psoriatic arthritis patients with high disease activity: Exploratory findings from the 26 week, randomised, controlled FLORA trial | 50.000 | |
Yeliz Jakobsen | Department of Audiology - Odense | ”Fordele ved bimodal tilpasning med cochlear implantat og høreapparat sammenlignet med dobbeltsidig høreapparat hos patienter med asymmetrisk taleforståelse: Et kontrolleret lodtrækningsforsøg” | 50.000 |
Navn | Afdeling | Projekt | Lokal Forskningsfond kr. | Guldsmed Rasmussens legat kr. | Gundhild Andersens legat kr. |
Anders Würger Hansen | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Risk profile of the RET C611Y germline mutation in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A: A nationwide population-based study in Denmark 1940-2021 | 38.100 | ||
Anine Sophia Eriksen | Department of Endocrinology ‐ Odense |
The Long‐Term Outcome of the Thyroid Function in Patients with Graves Disease: A Nationwide Danish Register Study |
23.100 | ||
Anna Rebien Clausen | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Kongresdeltagelse i forbindelse med prægraduat projektet: Retinal vascular occlusion as a potential marker of incident dementia: a national register-based study | 10.000 | ||
Anne Clausen | Other | Støtte til Ph.d.-studerendes deltagelse i European Education Programme in Epidemiology(EEPE) 2023 | 14.000 | 6.000 | |
Anne With Mikkelsen | Department of Clinical Immunology - Odense | Evaluering af paraneoplastiske neurale autoantistoffer som mulige biomarkører for kræft | 50.000 | ||
Anne-Marie Østergaard G. Jensen | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | Point-of-care Strategies to Improve Tuberculosis Care Among Patients with Suspected Tuberculosis in Ghana (TBPOC study II) | 50.000 | ||
Camilla Viola Palm | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Metabolic and physical fitness signatures in offspring of mothers with and without Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | 12.000 | ||
Caroline Lilja | Department of Plastic Surgery - Odense | Identification of lymphatic vessels and veins using ultra high-frequency ultrasound and ICG lymphography for preoperative planning of lymphovenous anastomosis | 25.000 | ||
Chadi Nimed Abdel-Halim | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Inter- and Intrarater Reliability and Agreement among Head and Neck Pathologists in the Assessment of Extranodal Extension in Head and Neck Squamous Cell | 16.000 | ||
Dani Farouk | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Long-term Survival after Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement with Mechanical Heart Valve in Western Denmark: A multicentre observational study | 39.000 | ||
Dorte Glintborg | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Polycystisk ovariesyndrom - betydning for fysisk og psykisk helbred. PCOS Nordic | 354,63 | 49.645,37 | |
Emil Johannes Ravn | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Aortic VAlve-spring and COMposite root replacement in Denmark: A multi-centre observational study | 48.100 | ||
Emma Christophorou Hansen | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | Determinants of antibody response to a fourth SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose and a fifth bivalent omicron-containing vaccine dose in solid organ transplant | 45.000 | ||
Emma Feline Heeno Rasmussen | Department of Urology - Odense/Svendborg | Non-invasive diagnostics of small renal masses and General practitioner driven renal cancer screening of a high-risk cohort, a prospective study | 50.000 | ||
Erik Øxenberg Paulsen | Department of Neurosurgery - Odense | Masse spektrometri billeddannelse til evaluering af hjernemetastaser og gliomers infiltrationsevne uden for resektionsranden | 38.100 | ||
Hans Lynggaard Riis | Department of Oncology - Odense | Øget kvalitetssikring af MR-linac behandlinger mod kræft ved hjælp af tidsopløst patientdosimetri | 48.100 | ||
Helen Schultz | Department of Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | The effect of continuous glucose monitoring in a surgical ward | 40.000 | ||
Henrik Zachar Langkilde | Department of Rheumatology - Odense | Pulmonary Disease Among Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, a Cross Sectional Study of a Population-based Cohort | 40.000 | ||
Jan Blaakær | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Odense/Svendborg | Risikofaktorer for udvikling af kræft i æggestokkene blandt kvinder med endometriose - et nationalt kohorte studie. | 60.000 | ||
Jeppe Kristoffer Pilegaard Larsen | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care - Odense | Pressure and volume changes during cardiogenic shock induction. &Aelig;ndringer i tryk- og volumenforhold i hjertets venstre hovedkammer under udvikling af | 50.000 | ||
Julie Buchberg | Department of Pathology - Odense/Svendborg | Targeted next-generation sequencing of pancreatic cancer using EUS-guided fine-needle biopsies | 50.000 | ||
Julie Hempel Larsen | Department of Cardiology - Odense | Empagliflozin to elderly and obese patients with cardiovascular disease (EMPIRE II): A randomized controlled trial | 50.000 | ||
Karen Middelbo Buch-Olsen | Department of Cardiology - Odense | Empagliflozin to elderly and obese patients with cardiovascular disease (EMPIRE II): A randomized controlled trial | 48.100 | ||
Karina Dyrvig Honoré | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens Hospital - Odense | Maternal Health, Breastfeeding, Breast milk Components and early Child Growth - A research Project based on the Odense Child Cohort (OCC) | 50.000 | ||
Keld-Erik Byg | Department of Rheumatology - Odense | Inflammations markører ved neurosarkoidose, kvantificering og korrelation til hjerneskade | 48.100 | ||
Kristian Stærk | Department of Clinical Microbiology - Odense | Betydningen af intravesikale kompartments i diagnostikken af urinvejsinfektioner: translationelt studie fra gris til menneske | 82.076,35 | ||
Kristina Gosvig | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Kan patienter med hjerteflimmer undvære deres blodfortyndende behandling efter hjertekirurgi? | 30.000 | ||
Line Riis Jølving | Clinical Development (Odense) | Does storage time affect blastocyst implantation and pregnancy rate? A Danish Nationwide Register Study. | 48.100 | ||
Louise Hjorth Lind | Department of Pathology - Odense/Svendborg | ZORLARMAB2 - Mekanistisk indsigt og værktøjer til at forbedre anvendelsen af denosumab til behandling af osteoporose. | 50.000 | ||
Lytfi Krasniqi | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery - Odense | Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation after Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement and the influence of Statins | 53.100 | ||
Mathias Amdi Hertz | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | Improved diagnostics and empirical antibiotic treatment of urinary tract infections in Emergency Departments. | 50.000 | ||
Max Rohde | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Bifund ved PET/CT skanning på mistanke om kræftsygdom | 48.100 | ||
Mette Mindedahl Jespersen | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Odense/Svendborg | Sharing treatment decisions with advanced ovarian cancer patients - combining biomedical evidence with patient preferences | 45.000 | ||
Pernille Darre Haahr | Department of Gastroenterology - Odense | Screening of Hepatic Arteriovenous Malformations and classification of Gastrointestinal Arteriovenous Malformations in patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic | 50.000 | ||
Raquel Martin Iguacel | Department of Infectious Diseases - Odense | Cardiovascular consequences of infectious diseases: COVID-19, syphilis, and late HIV infection | 50.000 | ||
René Støving | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Re-ernæring af patienter med svær anorexia nervosa i Ernæringsenheden (ME), OUH, Center for Spiseforstyrrelser. Retrospektiv 5-års opgørelse. | 48.100 | ||
Sanne Høxbroe Michaelsen | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery - Odense/Svendborg | Intraoperative near-infrared imaging techniques for identifying and preserving viable parathyroid glands during total and completion thyroidectomy: a matched | 25.100 | ||
Sebastian Dinesen | Department of Ophthalmology - Odense | Deep-learning in diabetic eye screening: detection of sight threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy and prediction of long-term diabetic complications. | 60.000 | ||
Stefan Kastalag Risager | Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology - Odense/Svendborg | Periprosthetic fractures of the knee | 25.000 | ||
Sóren Móller | Other | Identifikation af blinde i danske sundhedsregistre | 60.000 | ||
Thea Marthinus Riis | Department of Endocrinology - Odense | Risk of cancer in patients with hyperthyroidism: A Nationwide Danish Register Study | 34.100 | ||
Thomas Krøigård | Department of Neurology - Odense/Svendborg | Korrelation mellem symptomer og strukturelle og funktionelle tegn på småfiberpatologi hos patienter med diagnosen fibromyalgi | 35.000 | ||
Tine Henrichsen Schnack | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Odense/Svendborg | The FRAGINOC study: The impact of FRAilty screening and Geriatric assessment and INtervention in older patients with epithelial Ovarian Cancer | 40.000 | ||
Trine Holm Rasmussen | Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre - Odense | Diagnosticering og håndtering af patienter med akutte overfølsomhedsreaktioner over for biologiske lægemidler og kemoterapi | 25.000 | ||
Trine Lembrecht Jørgensen | Department of Oncology - Odense | The impact of age on treatment decision, treatment adherence, and survival in patients with endometrial cancer receiving oncological treatment | 48.100 |
Navn | Afdeling | Projekt | Lokal forskningsfond kr. | Guldsmed Rasmussens legat kr. |
Anna Trier Heiberg Brix | Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Major lower Extremity AmpuTations: Epidemiology, outcome and potential for improvement | 30.000 | |
Anne Benner | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital | The roadmap to diagnosis: Establishing incidence, prevalence, subtypes and a diagnostic protocol for ketotic hypoglycemia | 25.000 | |
Daniel Alexander Jørgensen | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery | Mortality, Morbidity and Socio-economics in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 -a Nationwide Case-Control Study | 20.000 | |
Daniel Balsby Jørgensen | Department of Infectious Diseases | The immunogenicity and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations among organ transplant recipients in the Region of Southern Denmark | 30.000 | |
Dusan Rasic | Department of Pathology | Stadieafhængig genekspression af fibrosemarkører ved alkohol-relateret leversygdom | 25.000 | |
Emil Johannes Ravn | Department of Cardiology | Risk of intravenous contrast-induced acutE kidNey injuRy after cardIac Ct in High-risk patients - a randomized controlled trial | 40.000 | |
Gayaththri Vimalathas | Department of Pathology | Monitoring circulating tumor DNA in aggressive large B-cell lymphoma - a tool for personalized medicine | 40.000 | |
Hanne Kobberø | Department of Urology | Sacral neuromodulation (SNM) for neurogenic lower urinary tract, bowel and sexual dysfunction. | 40.000 | |
Heidi Lausten Munk | Department of Rheumatology | High and Low molecular weight Surfactant protein-D (SP-D) in patients with a Chronic inflammatory disease (CID) before and after treatment with a Tumor Necrosis Factor & 945; inhibitor (TNFi). Protocol for a prospective cohort study on SP-D. | 30.000 | |
Henrik Zachar Langkilde | Department of Rheumatology | Pulmonary Disease Among Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, a Cross Sectional study of a Population-based Cohort | 40.000 | |
Jeanie Meincke Egedal | Department of Endocrinology | Thromboembolism in anorexia nervosa - A registry-based study of a national cohort and a case-control study of the hemostatic balance and its association with nutritional status, insulin and cortisol | 40.000 | |
Julie Hempel Larsen | Department of Cardiology | Empagliflozin to elderly and obese patients with cardiovascular disease (EMPIRE II): A randomized controlled trial | 40.000 | |
Ken Lund | KLU (Epidemiologi) | The IBD-FITT study - Moderate-intensity exercise for patients with inflammatory bowel disease with moderate disease activity: a randomized controlled trial Dansk: Kronisk Inflammatorisk Tarmbetændelse og Fysisk Træning (IBD-FITT) | 15.000 | 5.000 |
Lisbeth Koch Thomsen | Department of Pathology | Cellular orchestration of Parathyroid Hormone Mediated activation of bone resorption versus formation (PTH-MORF) | 40.000 | |
Louise Milling | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care | Decision-making in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: The ethics of resuscitation | 40.000 | |
Louise Houlberg Walther | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care | Måling af laktat-niveauet i blodet på akutte præhospitale patienter - hvilke patienter måler vi på og ændrer målingen deres prognose? | 30.000 | |
Mads Gustaf Jørgensen | Department of Rheumatology | Bedre diagnose, prognose og risikoprofil for brystkræft-relateret lymfødem | 20.000 | |
Majken Wiborg | Urinvejskirurgisk Afdeling L | Treatment with stromal vascular fraction of Peyronies disease in humans | 40.000 | |
Marie Lind-Holst | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital | Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Denmark. A nation-wide study on neonatal screening, clinical presentation and general morbidity | 20.000 (genbevilling fra legat stiftet af Bikuben) | |
Mathias Rathe | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital | Neuroendokrine tumorer hos børn og unge | 20.000 | |
Mette Levring | Department of Haematology | The role of mesenchymal stromal cells and bone marrow stromal dysfunction in multiple myeloma | 40.000 | |
Mette Louise Andersen | Center for Clinical Epidemiology (KLU) | Adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis - nationwide clinical epidemiological studies | 40.000 | |
Morten Beck Trelle | Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling, Svendborg | Serum infliximab and infliximab antibodies levels during rescue therapy in patients with acute severe ulcerative colitis, not responding to intravenous corticosteroids. | 30.000 | |
Morten Møller | Department of Neurosurgery | DNA methylation status in pituitary adenomas - identification of a new and prognostic classification system | 30.000 | |
Pernille Vinther Nielsen | Neurobiologisk Forskning IMM, Syddansk Universitet | Dominant-negative TNF inhibitors as novel treatments for neuroinflammatory diseases | 20.000 | |
Peter Brændstrup | Department of Haematology | Comparative proteomic analysis in relapsed versus non-relapsed Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma | 30.000 | |
Peter Hartmund Frederiksen | Department of Cardiology | ANGIOTENSIN-NEPRILYSIN INHIBITION IN DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION AFTER AMI | 15.000 + 15.000 genbevilling fra Ingemann O. Bucks | |
Rikke Hedegaard Dahlrot | Department of Oncology | Risiko for venøs tromboembolisme hos patienter med gliom | 35.000 | |
Sebastian Roed Rasmussen | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care | Modulation of pathophysiology in acute kidney injury | 40.000 | |
Simon Molstrom | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care | A combined microdialysis and FDG-PET study for detection of brain injury in comatose survivors resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - a pilot study | 40.000 |
Navn | Afdeling | Projekt | Lokal forskningsfond kr. | Guldsmed Rasmussens legat kr. |
Agnes Olloni | Department of Oncology - Odense |
Risk of cardiovascular disease after cancers of the lung and esophagus treated with definitive radiotherapy |
20.000 | |
Ann Bøcher Secher Banke |
Department of Cardiology |
A national randomized noninferiority trial: Imaging versus cardiac biomarker monitored HER2 directed therapy in patients with breast cancer |
6.890 | 30.000 |
Carina Lundby Olesen |
Hospital Pharmacy |
Optimizing medication use among older people: Development of an evidencebased guideline for deprescribing antihypertensives |
12.000 | |
Christine Fribert Thusgaard |
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics |
Improving survival of ovarian cancer by early detection of recurrence using circulating tumor DNA - The GENOVA translational study |
36.000 | |
Estrid Thougaard Pedersen |
Intrinsic TNF signaling properties in acute and chronic inflammatory conditions - soluble versus transmembrane TNF |
30.000 | ||
Frederik Schaltz Buchholzer | Other | Using BCG vaccine to enhance non-specific protection of health care workers during the COVID19 pandemic. A randomized controlled multi-center trial. |
30.000 | |
Frederik C. Gulmark Hansen |
Department of Plastic Surger |
Tacrolimus som behandling af brystkræft-relateret lymfødem (eng. Tacrolimus as Treatment of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema) |
20.000 | |
Frederik Nørregaard Pedersen |
Department of Ophthalmolog |
Diabetic retinopathy as a marker of cognitive dysfunction and depression: a clinical and epidemiological approach |
50.000 | |
Gitte Rye Hinrichs | Department of Nephrology |
0 Hypertension hos nyretransplanterede, betydningen af saltindtag og serinproteaser i urinen. |
12.000 | |
Jacob Dreijer Juhl | Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology |
Can objectively measured physical activity predict patient reported function and quality of life, following total knee replacement? A feasibility study |
7.460 | |
Jeppe Holm Rasmussen | Department of Cardiology |
Machine Learning, Coronary Artery Calcification score and 15 Biomarkers can Impact the risk of Cardiovascular Events in a 10- Years Follow-up Study |
40.000 | |
Jesper Roed Sørensen | Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery |
Thyroid surgery, mortality, morbidity and complications from 2001-2018: A Danish Nationwide Cohort Study |
30.000 | |
Jonas Asgaard Bojsen |
Department of Radiology |
FAST-MRI: AI optimized MRI workflow for acute stroke |
50.000 | |
Kamilla Ryom Riis |
Department of Endocrinology |
Quality of life in patients with hypothyroidism treated with DIfferent Types of thyroid HOrmone Supplementation (DITHOS) |
20.000 | 20.000 |
Karin Andersen | Department of Urolog |
Bacterial interference for preventing recurrent urinary tract infection - New ways of treatment. |
30.000 | 10.000 |
Kasper Emil Rosenbech | Department of Surgery |
A safety study of antimicrofibrillar-associated protein 4 injections in intestinal anastomoses to prevent fibrotic stenosis: A randomized animal experimental study |
35.000 | |
Kathrine Moriat | Department of Internal Medicine and Acute Medicine |
Effekten af pulsatil kompression af underekstremiteter med fuldautomatiske kompressionsstøvler ved dekompenseret hjertesvigt |
25.000 | |
Lasse Cehofski | Department of Ophthalmology |
Den intraokulære proteinprofil ved retinal centralveneokklusion |
30.000 | |
Laura Catalini | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics |
Endometrial markers in women with autoimmune diseases receiving assisted reproductive treatments. |
24.000 | |
Marco Dybdahl | Department of Radiology |
Multi-parametric liver MRI in adults with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. Multi-parametrisk MR-skanning af leveren hos voksne med Alfa-1- antitrypsinmangel. |
5.000 | |
Massar Omar | Department of Cardiology |
Empagliflozin in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction: A randomized clinical trial |
50.000 | |
Mathias Amdi Hertz |
Department of Infectious Diseases |
Evidence based empirical antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infections requiring hospitalization. |
30.000 | 20.000 |
Mathias Tiedemann Svendsen |
Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre |
Langsigtet forbedring af psoriasispatienters adhærens |
20.000 | |
Mette Scheller Nissen |
Department of Neurology |
Improving diagnostic strategies in Autoimmune Encephalitis |
22.000 | |
Morten Andreas Jørgensen |
Department of Gastroenterology |
In vitro effect of endogenous retroviral envelope protein derived peptide in patients with active Crohns disease. |
10.000 | |
Niels Bjørn | Department of Surgery |
Evaluering af biopsi metoder i diagnostikken af Hirschsprungs sygdom, karakterisering af en samlet kohorte henvist til udredning og undersøgelse af TUFT-celle fordeling i tarmen hos børn opereret for Hirschsprungs sygdom.. |
20.000 | |
Rasmus Würgler Hansen |
Department of Endocrinology |
Primary hyperaldosteronism: prevalence, health hazards, and improved diagnosis by novel methods |
20.000 | 17.000 |
Sanne Høxbroe Michaelsen |
Department of ORL - Head & Neck Surgery |
Intraoperative near-infrared imaging techniques for identifying and preserving viable parathyroid glands during total and completion thyroidectomy: a matched cohort study |
20.730 | |
Sardar Khalaf | Department of Surgery |
Peritoneal cytokiner og matrixmetalloproteinaser: et nyt screeningsværktøj til tidlig diagnostik af postoperativ anastomoselækage hos rectumcancer patienter. |
23.400 | |
Simon Molstrom | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
A combined microdialysis and FDG-PET study for detection of brain injury in comatose survivors resuscitated from outof-hospital cardiac arrest - a pilot study |
40.000 | |
Siri Vreim Ørbeck | Department of Pathology |
Role of circular RNA expression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma |
25.000 | |
Stine Munk Hald | Department of Neurology |
Short-term survival after intracerebral haemorrhage with focus on oral anticoagulant use |
28.060 | |
Susan Demant Carlsson |
Department of Endocrinology |
0 Functional capacity, muscle strength and exercise therapy in patients with Anorexia Nervosa |
18.460 | |
Thomas Lund | Department of Haematology |
Velcade i eget hjem; en ny behandlingsmetode til patienter med knoglemarvskræft |
40.000 |
Navn | Afdeling | Projekt | Ingemans O. Becks kr. | Else Poulsens Mindelegat kr. | Guldsmed Rasmussens legat kr. |
Anita Nymark | Department of Infectious Diseases |
Neuroborreliosis from a patient perspective: a contribution to clinical and organisational practice |
10.000 | ||
Camilla Bøgelund Larsen |
Department of Endocrinology |
Hypothyroid disorders: Impact on quality of life, effect of selenium supplementation, and biomarkers of health hazards |
10.000 | ||
Chadi Nimeh Abdel-Halim | Department of Ear, Nose and Throat |
Hoved-halskræft: Værdien af PET-MR til prækirurgisk diagnostik af metastaser og ekstrakapsulær tumorvækst i halsens lymfeknuder. |
10.000 | ||
Ester Maria Gill | Department of Surgery | Indocyanine green angiography during surgery for necrotizing enterocolitis and measurement of antibiotic concentration In the peritoneal fluid |
10.000 | ||
Ieva Miceikaite | Department of Clinical Genetics |
10.000 | ||
Johan Christian Lund |
Department of Gastroenterology |
In vitro effect of endogenous retroviral envelope protein derived peptide in patients with acute moderate to severe ulcerative colitis |
6.500 | ||
Jorun Holm | Department of Nuclear Medicine |
RE-PRISMA Recurrent and Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Impact of 18F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT on clinical decision making and response monitoring |
10.000 | ||
Lars Peter Schødt Riber |
Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery |
Pedicled internal versus skeletonized thoracic artery - A Randomized Study. |
10.000 | ||
Louise Svenstrup | Department of Pathology | Microscopic subtyping and gene expression profiling of pancreatic cancer |
7.700 | ||
Lykke Larsen | Department of Infectious Diseases |
Partial oral antibiotic treatment for bacterial brain abscess: An open-label randomised noninferiority trial (ORAL) |
10.000 | ||
Maj Rabjerg | Department of Pathology | Identifikation af nye strategier og molekylære targets for målrettet behandling af nyrekræft i Danmark |
7.700 | ||
Marie Lind-Holst | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital |
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Denmark: A nation-wide study on neonatal screening, clinical presentation and general morbidity. |
6.500 | ||
Melanie Birger Morillon |
Department of Rheumatology |
A multifactorial ”Urica Cor Intervention” (URICORI)to prevent cardiovascular disease in people with Gout. |
9.600 | ||
Mikkel Christian Schou Andersen |
Department of Neurosurgery |
Meningiomas and their surrounding tissue - Proteomics, epigenetics and selective progesterone modulation |
10.000 | ||
Troels K Bergmann | Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology |
Individualized immunosuppression in kidney transplanted patients; 1) Is intracellular tacrolimus the missing key? 2) Development of limited sampling strategies |
10.000 |
Navn | Afdeling | Projekt | Ingeman O. Bocks kr. | Else Poulsens Mindelegat kr. | Guldsmed Rasmussens legat kr. |
Anne Stockmann | Department of Ear, Nose and Throat |
Effekten af Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery sammenholdt med patienternes immunrespons på Staphylococcus aureus: et 3 års follow‐up studie |
20.000 | ||
Annette Rønholt Larsen |
Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital |
Functional Genetic Investigations in Unexplained Hypoglycemia in Children |
10.000 | ||
Arnon Møldrup Knudsen |
Department of Pathology |
Identification of novel targets in glioblastoma using an improved pre‐clinical model |
20.000 | ||
Gitte Fuusager | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital |
Bone mass, bone structure and bone quality in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, a longitudinal study |
10.000 | ||
Henrik Frederiksen | Department of Haematology |
Lymphoma in the elderly | 10.000 | ||
Jens Eckardt | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery |
Pilotstudie til måling af intrapleuralt tryk for patienter tilkoblet en drænboks med vandlås versus drænboks med tørlås versus digital drænboks med pumpe og sug |
10.000 | ||
Julie Bjerrelund | Department of Clinical Genetics |
Familial Multiple Lipomatosis (FML) ‐ exomsekventering mhp. identifikation af mono‐genetisk årsag. |
14.000 | ||
Lilian Ousager | Department of Clinical Genetics |
Improved genetic characterization and diagnosis in hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma. A cohort study. |
10.000 | ||
Line Gry Larsen | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
Postoperativ agitation hos dagkirurgiske børn. Et klinisk forsøg med hjertefrekvensvariabilitet og EEG‐ monitorering |
10.000 | ||
Lykke Larsen | Department of Infectious Diseases |
CNS‐infektioner i Danmark: Et prospektivt opservations/koordinationsstudi e (DASGIB) |
Ken Lund | Kronisk tarmbetændelse hos børn og unge: aspekter af fysisk aktivitet og biologisk terapi |
Quality, Research, Innovation and Education |
25.000 | 10.000 | |
Kristian Assing | Department of Clinical Immunology |
A characterization of monocyte cytokine responses in relation to patients with auto‐inflammatory symptoms/ fever of unknown origin |
20.000 | ||
Maria Thorning Christensen |
Department of Neurology |
Muscle strain in multiple sclerosis patients measured by ultrasound speckle tracking technique |
20.000 | ||
Martin Lindberg‐ Larsen |
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology |
One‐stage versus two‐stage revision ved inficeret knæalloplastik ‐ et randomiseret multicenter studie |
10.000 | ||
Mette Herly | Department of Rheumatology |
Vitamin D as a prognostic marker in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Disease activity and cardiopulmonal comorbidity. |
10.000 | ||
Morten Kobaek‐ Larsen |
Department of Surgery |
Undersøgelse af hvordan bioaktive stoffer fra gulerødder kan hæmme inflammation som forårsager folkesygdomme som tarmkræft. |
10.000 | ||
Morten Rune Blichfeldt‐ Eckhardt |
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
Biomarkers of chronic pain. Levels of pro and anti inflammatory chemokines in the cerebral spinal fluid in patients with complex chronic pain syndrome. |
20.000 | ||
Nikolaj Mannering | Department of Haematology |
On adverse outcomes in patients with immune thrombocytopenia ‐ a population‐based cohort study |
7.000 | ||
Pia Nicolaisen | Department of Endocrinology |
The consequences of hyperthyroidism for bone microstructure before and after treatment ‐ a longitudinal clinical study using HR‐pQCT |
10.500 | ||
Rikke Birk Hansen | Department of Neurology |
STACY: STroke And CYtokines | 20.000 | ||
Sigurdur Skarphedinss on |
Department of Infectious Diseases |
Senfølger ved Neuroborreliose | 10.000 | ||
Simon Molstrom | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
Blood pressure targets in post‐ resuscitation care and bedside monitoring of cerebral energy state ‐ a randomized clinical trial |
15.000 | ||
Stefan Starup Jeppesen | Department of Oncology |
Impact of stereotactic body radiation therapy on the coagulation system in patients with non‐small cell lung cancer |
15.000 | ||
Stine Munk Hald | Department of Neurology |
Association of drug use with risk of intracerebral hemorrhage |
10.000 | ||
Søren Mose Hansen | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
AB0‐Blood type and postoperative Bleeding in Cardiac Surgery |
4.500 | ||
Trine Aaquist | Department of Pathology |
Whole‐exome sequencing of multiple primary tumors in a patient with breast cancer, vulvar cancer, pancreatic cancer and pancreatic paraganglioma: possible new insights into the pathogenesis of these neoplasms |
25.000 | ||
Trine Rennebod Larsen |
Department of Biochemistry |
The impact of dysglycaemia on plaque burden and plaque morphology in coronary arteries in patients with suspicion of cardiac disease and referred for a coronary CT angiography |
10.000 |
Navn | Afdeling | Projekt | Ingeman O. Bucks kr. | Else Poulsens Mindelegat kr. | Guldsmed Rasmussens legat kr. |
Anders Sarkisian Bøvling |
Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery |
Individualized risk assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysms |
15.000 | ||
Anna Stage Vergmann | Department of Ophthalmology | The Individually‐Marked PanrEtinal laser phoTocoagUlation for proliferative diabetic retinopathy Study: IMPETUS 2018 ‐ TREAT |
19.000 | ||
Axel Forsse | Department of Neurosurgery | Continuous monitoring of cerebral metabolism in neurocritical patients. Combined cerebral and jugular bulb microdialysis |
20.000 | ||
Dennis Lund Hansen |
Department of Haematology | Kroniske hæmolytiske anæmiers epidemiologi | 10.000 | ||
Fredrikke Christie Knudtzen |
n Department of Infectious Diseases |
CXCL13 som markør for neuroborreliose og som differential diagnostisk redskab ved CNS inflammation |
20.000 | ||
Hagen Schmal | Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology |
The effect of a heel‐unloading orthosis in short‐term treatment of calcaneus fractures on physical function, quality of life and return to work ‐ a randomized controlled trial |
4.500 | ||
Isik Somuncu Johansen |
Department of Infectious Diseases |
Diagnostic delay of Common Variable Immunodeficiency in Adults and Opportunities for Earlier Diagnosis and Treatment in Denmark |
10.000 | ||
20.000 | ||
Jens Eckardt | Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery |
Pilotstudie til måling af luftlækage i et pleura dræn ved hjælp af drænboks og CO2 detektor versus digital drænboks. |
20.000 | ||
Keld‐Erik Byg | Department of Rheumatology | Cohort study: Cellular and molecular characterization of spinal fluid from patients with suspicion of disease activity the central nervous system(Cerebral vasculitis) and neurosarcoidosis |
10.000 | ||
Kristian Winther | Department of Endocrinology | Selenium in the pathogenesis and treatment of Hashimotos thyroiditis: Assessment of molecular and patient‐reported outcomes in a randomized controlled trial |
10.000 | ||
Malene Kaas Larsen |
Department of Surgery | Cancer of the Esophagus and Gastroesophageal junction‐ a longitudinal study of patients and their relatives and the process of decision‐making during the treatment period |
4.800 | ||
Lars Andersen | Department of Clinical Genetics |
Identifying the missing cause to non‐BRCA1/2 breast cancer by tumor subtype stratification and integrated data analysis |
10.500 | ||
Line Strand Andersen | Department of Rheumatology | Obstetric and neonatal outcomes in SLE: A population‐ based register study |
15.000 | ||
Linnea Rebecka Gustafsson |
Department of Pathology | Vascular structure and vascularity in renal tumours | 10.000 | ||
Louise Jørgensen | Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology |
PRO‐KALK: PROgression af åreforKALKning ‐ kan alpha‐ Klotho og FGF23 anvendes som prædiktorer for progressiv åreforkalkning? |
20.000 | ||
Lykke Larsen | Department of Infectious Diseases |
CNS‐infektioner i Danmark: Et prospektivt opservations/koordinationsstudie (DASGIB) |
15.000 | ||
Mads Lillevang‐ Johansen |
Department of Endocrinology | The consequences of biochemically verified hyper‐ and hypothyroidism on morbidity and mortality: A Danish population‐ and register‐based study. |
15.000 | ||
Malene Kaas Larsen |
Department of Surgery | Cancer of the Esophagus and Gastroesophageal junction‐ a longitudinal study of patients and their relatives and the process of decision‐making during the treatment period |
4.800 | ||
Marie Westergaard‐ Nielsen |
Department of Ear, Nose and Throat |
Salivary gland carcinoma in Denmark 1990‐2015: A national study with focus on diagnostic imaging, surgical treatment of the neck and prognosis. |
10.000 | ||
Millie Basu | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital |
Filaggrin expression and immunological pathomechanisms in asthma and eczema |
20.000 | ||
Minna Christiansen |
Other | Secondary mechanisms following moderate spinal cord injury |
20.000 | ||
Nicolai Skov Schiellerup |
Department of Surgery | Anastomosis reinforcement with a Poly‐epsilon‐ caprolactone scaffold of the small intestine. ‐ An animal experimental study on pigs. |
15.000 | ||
Pernille Øhlenschlä ger Larsen |
Department of Surgery | Anastomotic leakages in colorectal surgery: ‐The role of Indocyanine Green Fluorescent Imaging in evaluating bowel perfusion ‐Can close observation postoperatively supplemented with routine endoscopies and CT scan reduce the clinical consequence? |
12.700 | ||
Rasmus Peter Jakobsen |
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
Hæmorrhagisk shock og cerebral funktion | 21.600 | ||
Rikke Ruager | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital |
Database for newborn infants suffering from hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy(HIE) treated with hypothermia. |
6.250 | ||
Steen Bonnema | Department of Endocrinology | Knoglestruktur og knoglestyrke evalueret ved Xtreme‐CT skanning før og efter behandling af for højt og for lavt stofskifte |
10.000 | ||
Sine Søndergaard Korsgaard |
Department of Rheumatology | Heart involvement and autoantibody profile in myositis | 15.000 | ||
Søren Feddersen | Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology |
Liquid biopsy ‐ identification of a plasma microRNA signature for glioblastoma detection |
15.000 | ||
Tina Kold Jensen | Hans Christian Andersen Childrens' Hospital |
Phthalat og hjernens udvikling. En undersøgelse af 500 mødre og deres 7‐årige børn |
15.000 | ||
Uffe Stolborg | Department of Pathology | Subtypisering og immunprofilering af ampullær cancer i Danmark |
10.000 | ||
Ulla Lei Larsen | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
Mortalitet, kardio‐pulmonal morbiditet og livskvalitet hos børn med kongenit diafragmahernie behandlet på Odense Universitetshospital i perioden 1998 ‐ 2015. |
15.000 |