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Assessment criteria for the OUH Free Research Fund

Applications submitted to the OUH Free Research Fund are being assessed according to the below criteria.

Assessment criteria for members of the committee with a background in health research

1. The scientific quality of the project

  • Is the research problem and purpose clearly stated?
  • Is the listing of literature complete?
  • Is choice of material and method relevant and clearly described? Including:
    • Is the planned project design well-suited (cross section, cohort, randomised controlled investigation, case- control, etc.?)
    • Are planned analyses clearly described (including choice of statistical methods)?
    • By RCT: Is the strength of calculation credible?
  • Is the project feasible (recruitment, time frame, preliminary data, etc.)?
  • Which problems are expected for carrying out the research plan, og how will they be met?

2. The originality of the application

  • Will new knowledge be generated?
  • Is it reasonable that the project is carried out (apart from the fact that it is possible)?
  • Is the problem important to examine?

3. Novelty value

  • Does the research question have sufficient novelty value as for hypothesis, technology and possible impact?

4. Involvement of patients and relatives

  • Does the project contain involvement of or plans for involving patients and relatives in the research process? E.g. in designing the research project, focus on outcome to be measured, etc.
    • If yes, does it seem relevant and does it contribute to further qualify the project?
    • If no, is it explained why patients and relatives are not being involved in the process?

5. The applicant

  • Is the applicant qualified (education, previous research experience)?
  • Is the applicant experienced in the particular research area and how to apply the proposed methods?
  • Has the applicant published within the area?
  • If application from a research group: Is the group adequately combined as for complementary expertise and possible synergy?

6.  Research environment

  • Is the necessary staff, facilities and infrastructure for carrying out the project in place?
  • Is the research environment suitable for carrying out the project?
  • Is the research environment suitable for research training (PhD applications)?

7. Impact of the research

  • Is there a need for the project in health science or the health system?
  • Is the project within the sphere of interest of OUHL – does the project support the OUH Research Strategy? Including e.g.:Is the research at a high international level with the potential of altering patient treatment?
  • Does the project underpin feresearch and implementation of individualized treatment, including personalised medicine?
  • Does the research focus at the course of the patient across professions, departments, hospitals and sectors?

8.  Ethics and approvals

  •  Has the project been approved by the National Committee on Health Research Ethics?
  • Has the project been approved by the head of department and the head of research?
  • Has it been described how data will be stored?

9. Budget

  • Has it been described what the applied funding is to cover?
  • Has the project obtained funding from other sources?
  • Has funding been applied for the same purpose from other sources and how is it being handled?

Assessment criteria for the patient and relative representatives in the committee

Patient and relative representatives are to assess exclusively on the basis of the layman’s summary and the section regarding involvement of patient and relative representatives.

1. Layman’s summary

  • Has the layman’s summary been written so that it is understandable to non-health professionals?
  • Is the research relevant and will it be meaningful to patients?
  • Does the layman’s summary answer the following questions:
    • What is the purpose of the project? (What is the hypothesis of the research question?)
    • Why is the applicant particularly qualified to carry out the project?
    • Why is it important carry out the examination now – is the timing right?
    • How will the applicant solve the problem or test the hypothesis?
    • Which results will the project deliver and which impact will they have?

2.  Patient- og pårørendeinddragelse

  • Does the project contain involvement of or plans for involving patients and relatives in the research process? E.g. in designing the research project, focus on outcome to be measured, etc.
    • If yes, does it seem relevant and does it contribute to further qualify the project?
    • If no, is it explained why patients and relatives are not being involved in the process?