About PREmedico
In line with the National Strategy for Personalized Medicine in Denmark, our vision in PREmedico is more precise diagnoses and more precise therapy to the individual patient. We will work towards this vision by taking advantage of new methods, clinical data and new knowledge.
Our aim is better survival and fewer side effects for the patients.
It is our aim to get the best possible synergy between our strengths positions in the hospitals in the Region of Southern Denmark and University of Southern Denmark and the national initiatives within personalized medicine in Denmark, so it becomes possible for clinicians and researchers to easily use and implement personal diagnostics and therapy to the individual patient at the same time as we obtain breaking research results that gives us knowledge about how diseases develop and can be cured.
Facts about PREmedico
All researchers employed at a hospital in the region have a dual employment between the hospital and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). This unique collaboration between hospital and the SDU, in which research and clinics are linked directly to one another , creates optimal frameworks for translational research with benefits for patient treatment.
The Region of Southern Denmark runs four hospital units.
- Odense University Hospital (OUH)
- Hospital Little Belt
- South-West Jutland Hospital
- South Jutland Hospital
- The largest hospital in the region of Southern Denmark is OUH. Research development and education are inseparable aspects of OUH's function as a university hospital.
- OUH is one of the Region's largest education and training venues and is very closely connected to the University of Southern Denmark (SDU).
- A total of 42 research units exist at OUH; each with their own medical specialty. Each research unit is affiliated with a department at OUH and one of the institutes at SDU, usually the Department of Clinical Research.
- All employees at OUH involved with research and teaching at university level are affiliated with a research unit.
Research strategy:
OUH gives high priority to research and in collaboration with Department of Clinical Research (SDU), the hospital has prepared an ambitious research strategy for the period 2016-2020 (LINK).
Patient first - our promise to each other and to our patients:
"Patient first" is the underlying principle of OUH's approach and ambition in creating value for our patients. This commitment to our patients includes acting as their university hospital, which we achieve through full implementation of our code of practice. Please read more
University of Southern Denmark consists of faculties of which researchers from two different faculties (six departments) are involved in PREmedico.
Faculty of Health Sciences:
- Department of Clinical Research
- Department of Regional Health Research
- Department of Molecular Medicine
- Department of Public Health
Faculty of Science:
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The somatic hospital in Odense (OUH), the psychiatry and Faculty of Health Sciences are placed in walking distance to each other, which make translational research and cooperation between researchers easy and feasible.
SDU have joined the Danish code of integrity in research. All Heads of Research at OUH must therefore have completed courses in research management and course in research integrity (good conduct) either before taking up the position og within the first year of employment. It is a task for the Head of Research to ensure that the principles of the Code of Conduct for research are followed by all researchers in their unit.