Governance structure:
PREmedico is directed by a Center Management consisting of professor Mads Thomassen and head of OPEN Anna Skat Nielsen.
In the day-to-day management the heads of PREmedico are supported by hospital and university infrastructure, e.g. research support (OPEN), legal, financial and administrative functions.
The Center Management holds regular meetings with the work package leaders, who help overseeing that PREmedico progress as planned, handles obstacles and exploit opportunities.
Regular meetings and symposias with researchers at OYH/Regional hospitals, researchers at SDU, deans and head of departments at SDU etc. supports that all interested in personalized medicine gets involved and receives relevant information.
Management and other involved in PREmedico refer in line with the existing structure to executives at OUH and SDU - and are obliged to follow same rules regarding to e.g. code of conduct, ethics etc.

Mads Thomassen
Professor, molekylærbiolog, Ph.d.
Klinisk Genetisk Afdeling
65 41 28 39