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PREmedico uses OPEN's biobank to handle biological material.

PREmedico uses OPEN's biobank to handle biological material. Standardised handling of biological samples is very important when using these samples for advanced analyses - especially within Personalised Medicine. The biological material is processed  by experienced research laboratory technicians and is stored at -80°C at the biggest cold store in Northern Europe at the University of Southern Denmark. All projects which use OPEN are searchable via OPEN's website and sampled materials can also be searched via the National Biobank Register using e.g. diagnosis codes as search criteria. This enables the best possible openness around the research projects and helps researchers from all over the world to find PREmedico's local researchers for international collaboration - for the benefit of all of us.

Research Advice

OPEN also assists researchers with electronical data Collection and safe storage of clinical data as well as advice on using public Danish registries. These data can, together with genetic data, be used by the researchers to reveal important genes for the patient's disease or help choosing the best treatment for the patient.