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PREmedico Network

An inclusive regional ERFA and research network

PREmedico is a regional knowledge sharing network, focusing on clinical implementation of, and research within, personalized medicine and precision medicine in the Region of Southern Denmark. The primary focus is on clinical genomics, however academics working within all fields of personalized medicine is encourage to participate.


Membership is open for all interested researchers from Region of Southern Denmark and University of Southern Denmark, and can be obtained by subscription to the mailing list. If you wish to participate in PREmedico, just contact

Meeting frequency

Network meetings are held approx. every 2-3 months. The meetings are virtual, with the possibility of physical attendance at OUH.

In addition, PREmedico is organizing an annual symposium on personalized medicine. The symposium will be held at OUH.


PREmedico's primary tasks, is to facilitate networking and ensure sharing of knowledge and information betweeen the members. This includes knowledge and information regarding:

  • Regional and National projects and initiatives within personalized medicine.
  • Clinical use of personal medicine in everyday life at departmental level.
  • Research in personal medicine nationally and internationally.
  • Notices from foundations that could be of interest to researchers at PREmedico.
  • Upcoming national and international conferences focusing on personalized medicine.

At the meetings, members of PREmedico are encouraged to share.

  • Any new projects within the field.
  • Experiences – e.g. about new methods, equipment, etc.
  • Scientific presentations about own research and results.
  • Presentations on clinical use of precision medicine at ward level.
  • Knowledge of upcomming conferences within the field.
  • Provide input to PREmedico's website, and future work.
  • Subjects or initiatives that may be of interest to other members.
  • Proposals or subjects that may be of interest for the regional steering committee for personalized medicin.


The chairmanship of PREmedico is shared by two directors, appointed by the regional steering committee for Personalized Medicine. 

Through the governance, members of PREmedico can advise the regional steering committee on the implementation, use, and research in personalized medicine.

PREmedico is secretarially operated by Datastøttecentret for Personlig Medicin.